Lesson Plan #3
The “5 Ws” of Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation – Who, What, Where, When and Why
Objective: Following this lesson, students will have an understanding of how organ, eye and tissue donation works, including the definition of brain death, how organ donation happens and what organs and tissues can be transplanted.
Time: 30-40 minutes
Materials Needed
• The Organ Donation Process
• Understanding Brain Death
• Transplantable Organs
• Transplantable Tissues
Lesson Plan
• Whole Group Option - Teacher can read materials to the class, or assign students to do so, and have an open question/answer period following each section. Materials can be displayed on screen for visual aid.
• Small Group Option - Divide the class into small groups to learn about each section and have them share with the whole class. Students may be allowed 5-10 minutes to review the materials listed above and determine the best way to present the information to their classmates. (Classes of a larger size can assign more students to Groups 3 and 4 and each share what information they learned by selecting one or two different organs and/or tissues.)
Group 1: The Organ Donation Process
Group 2: Understanding Brain Death
Group 3: Transplantable Organs
Group 4: Transplantable Tissues
Time: 30-40 minutes
Materials Needed
• The Organ Donation Process
• Understanding Brain Death
• Transplantable Organs
• Transplantable Tissues
Lesson Plan
• Whole Group Option - Teacher can read materials to the class, or assign students to do so, and have an open question/answer period following each section. Materials can be displayed on screen for visual aid.
• Small Group Option - Divide the class into small groups to learn about each section and have them share with the whole class. Students may be allowed 5-10 minutes to review the materials listed above and determine the best way to present the information to their classmates. (Classes of a larger size can assign more students to Groups 3 and 4 and each share what information they learned by selecting one or two different organs and/or tissues.)
Group 1: The Organ Donation Process
Group 2: Understanding Brain Death
Group 3: Transplantable Organs
Group 4: Transplantable Tissues